Embedding Building Information Modelling into Construction Technology and Documentation courses : A case study of the Unitec National Diploma Programmes

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McGarrigle, Malachy
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Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
BIM embedment
construction technology
tertiary courses
Unitec Institute of Technology
McGarrigle, M. (2014). Embedding building information modelling into construction technology and documentation courses: A case study of the Unitec national diploma programmes, Research report series, 2014(1). ISSN 2357-206X. Retrieved from http://www.unitec.ac.nz/epress/
The aim of this research is to generate a resource to assist construction lecturers in identifying opportunities where Building Information Modelling [BIM] could be employed to augment the delivery of subject content within individual courses on construction technology programmes. The methodology involved detailed analysis of the learning objectives and underpinning knowledge of the course content by topic area, within the residential Construction Systems 1 course presently delivered at Unitec on the National Diplomas in Architectural Technology [NDAT], Construction Management [NDCM] and Quantity Surveying [NDQS]. The objective is to aid students’ understanding of specific aspects such as planning controls or sub-floor framing by using BIM models, and investigate how these could enhance delivery modes using image, animation and interactive student activity. A framework maps the BIM teaching opportunities against each topic area highlighting where these could be embedded into construction course delivery. This template also records software options and could be used in similar analyses of other courses within similar programmes to assist with embedding BIM in subject delivery.
Unitec ePress
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Unitec ePress
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Embedding Building Information Modelling into Construction Technology and Documentation courses: A case study of the Unitec National Diploma Programmes by Malachy McGarrigle, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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