ICT practices in New Zealand distribution utilities : discussion paper on smart meters, communication technologies & ripple control
Supplementary material
Other Title
Joish, J.H.S.
Bahadornejad, Momen
Nair, N.K.C.
Bahadornejad, Momen
Nair, N.K.C.
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
New Zealand
energy distribution sector
smart metering
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
ripple control
sustainable energy
green technologies
Green Grid Project 2012-18 (N.Z.)
energy distribution sector
smart metering
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
ripple control
sustainable energy
green technologies
Green Grid Project 2012-18 (N.Z.)
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Joish, J., Bahadornejad, M., & Nair, N. K. C. (2014). ICT practices in New Zealand distribution utilities: Discussion paper on smart meters, communication technologies & ripple control. GREEN Grid project. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.
New Zealand (NZ) electricity distribution sector is experiencing changes in terms of deployment of new technologies and processes to interact with consumers and also manage the network better. This report addresses the practices followed by 29 NZ distribution companies for their Smart / advanced metering implementation, communication technologies used and the existing ripple control infrastructure. This discussion document also identifies the relevant NZ Smart metering regulations together with concurrent International practices and implementation.
This discussion document will help form the basis of a coordinated approach by NZ distribution companies for utilizing their existing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) plans and implementation in future. During the GREEN Grid 2014 annual conference in November 2014, we will solicit opinions from participating utilities for their viewpoint on the current state of affairs of ICT as identified in this discussion paper. This will thus help GREEN Grid to publish a practical NZ ICT Distribution Network Operator (DNO) roadmap for monitoring, protection and control of the network and offer services that are better informed by industry stakeholder engagement and extract maximum benefit to all consumers.
This work supported financially by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) GREEN Grid project funding. The GREEN Grid project is a joint project led by the University of Canterbury with the University of Auckland’s Power System Group and the University of Otago’s Centre for Sustainability, Food, and Agriculture, and with a number of electricity industry partners. The project, officially titled “Renewable Energy and the Smart Grid” will contribute to a future New Zealand with greater renewable generation and improved energy security through new ways to integrate renewable generation into the electricity network. The project aims to provide government and industry with methods for managing and balancing supply and demand variability and delivering a functional and safe distribution network in which intermittent renewable generation is a growing part of the energy supply. New Zealand currently generates about 75 percent of its electricity from renewable generation, making it a world-wide leader in this area.
University of Auckland
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