Collision course : an investigation into live, learn and work environments enabling better transition from student to profession
Supplementary material
Other Title
Gill, Nina-May
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Architecture (Professional)
Unitec Institute of Technology
Francis, Kerry
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
university to work transition
student housing
Auckland (N.Z.)
graduate students
student employment
campus student accommodation
workplace design
shared workplaces
Totara Avenue (New Lynn, Auckland, N.Z.)
Clark Street Extension Bridge carpark (New Lynn, Auckland, N.Z.)
urban office spaces
housing in Auckland
New Zealand
New Lynn (Auckland, N.Z.)
student housing
Auckland (N.Z.)
graduate students
student employment
campus student accommodation
workplace design
shared workplaces
Totara Avenue (New Lynn, Auckland, N.Z.)
Clark Street Extension Bridge carpark (New Lynn, Auckland, N.Z.)
urban office spaces
housing in Auckland
New Zealand
New Lynn (Auckland, N.Z.)
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Gill, N-M. (2015). Collision course : an investigation into live, learn and work environments enabling better transition from student to profession. An unpublished research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture Professional, Unitec Institute of Technology.
The availability and quality of student housing is daunting, particularly in Auckland. While developers move quickly, extending university campuses and building fast, cheap apartments, a blind eye is turned to the rapid changes in post-compulsory education, influenced particularly by digital technology. As student numbers continue to increase within tertiary institutes, as well as outside through online courses, an increasing pressure is placed on the quality and location of where learning might actually take place.
Too many graduate students cannot find work, either due to little work available in their industry or employers’ anxiety at hiring a graduate with little or no work experience. The question for the architectural profession is: Does architecture have a role to play in helping students make a smoother transition from tertiary studies into the working world?
This project is an exploration, based on literature reviews and precedent studies, into how a live, learn and work environment can be designed to encourage students to integrate with one another, form relationships and gain experience from a co-operative working community, thus preparing them better for their future at work.
Throughout the design process, various concepts and attempts to resolve issues are made. The final design will aim to provide a glimpse into the future of student residences, supportive live-learn-work spaces that create interactive and co-operative communities, enhancing individual growth and development, research and innovation. Whilst various research and design findings have been identified in the text, the final outcome of the design process is indicative in nature, with scope for further architectural and interior development to be presented at the final design presentation
Site: Totara Avenue, Clark Street Extension Bridge carpark, New Lynn, Auckland
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