A way of looking : an exploration into the representation of architecture

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Brown, Mathew R.
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Architecture (Professional)
Unitec Institute of Technology
Mitrovic, Branko
Wild, Adam
Austin, Michael
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Schindler, Rudolph, (1887-1952)
architectural modeling
architectural representation
sequential art
architectural design research
Brown, M.R. (2014). A way of looking : an exploration into the representation of architecture. An unpublished thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture Professional, Unitec Institute of Technology.
COMICS This thesis examines the use of comic books as a representation system. Whilst our most common perception of comics are books for kids, ‘Sequential Art’ as the convention is sometimes called, has been around for millennia in various forms. I am however aware of the stigma that the term might attract and I would encourage the reader to put aside any preconceptions to understand the underlying structure of the art form. In this respect I have been concerned about what name I might use, as there are many: comics, sequential art, graphic novel, cartoons, manga, etc. Those who write about the art form (McCloud, Eisner and others) use the term ‘comic’ and whilst other terms, like ‘graphic novel’ and ‘sequential art’ perhaps suggest a more intellectual subject for study, they often refer to specific types of comics. I have therefore chosen to use ‘comic’ as the generic term which describes the structure and rules of the art form. By doing so I hope to have encouraged a wider application of my findings. REPRESENTATION SYSTEMS I try throughout this study to consider and locate comics within the very broad range of representation systems available to the architect. Where I use the term ‘representation systems’ I have attempted to use it as a generic term for a method of communicating architectural ideas. I am aware that whilst we commonly use a certain set of conventions, and that these have been at the forefront of my mind, there is no limit to ways we might exchange ideas that influence architectural design. I don’t pretend to have examined all representation systems available to us, nor do I deny their variety or application. ... This thesis is illustrated throughout by representations of my design for an Auckland Architecture Centre. The role of the design in this thesis has been to act as a subject for the comic book convention. In designing the building I have sought to incorporate Schindler’s concerns for spatial composition and in that respect, whilst it is not a Schindler building, I would like to think he might have approved of it. Whilst the building is unveiled through traditional representation methods throughout this thesis, the comic on pages 37-48 provides a different way of looking at the same building. By providing an alternate lens I hope to allow the reader to experience whether the comic encourages them to understand the building differently. If it does I would suggest comics might have a place in representing architecture.
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