Community development in Aotearoa New Zealand: a historical journey

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Aimers, Jenny
Walker, Peter
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Journal Article
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
community development
New Zealand
Aimers, J. & Walker, P. (2016). Community development in Aotearoa New Zealand: A historical journey, Whanake: The Pacific journal of community development, 2(2), 3-12. ISSN 2423-009X. Retrieved from:
In this article we seek to describe the key periods and influences of community development practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our historical journey gives particular consideration to the specific impacts the government’s neoliberal policies have had on community development in this country. This work highlights the hostile policy environment that has left community development isolated and unsupported. We also draw on the experience of community development workers from our recent research and reflect on the current position of community development practice in this country and the challenges for its future. INTRODUCTION In this paper we describe the key periods of, and influences on, community development practice by building on the historical timeline that was initially developed by Church (2010); incorporating historical work by Chile (2006). We continue the process of storying the practice of community development in Aotearoa New Zealand until 2016. This material is drawn from empirical research undertaken for Aimers & Walker’s 2013 book Community Development: Insights for Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand, combined with a wider literature search. Our historical journey gives particular consideration to the impacts that the government’s neoliberal policies have had on community development. It is our intent in this paper to provide a historical context for current and future practitioners from which they can gain perspective of their own practice. We also consider the commonalities within practice across time, styles and philosophical standpoints. We also hope to stimulate other writers to further research these historical periods in order to offer a more in-depth and critical perspective.
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Community development in Aotearoa New Zealand : a historical journey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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