Pacific islands diaspora media: Sustaining island identities away from home

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Papoutsaki, Evangelia
Strickland, Naomi
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Pasifika Islanders
New Zealand
diasporic media
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. (2008, July). Pacific islands diaspora media: Sustaining island identities away from home. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, Manila.
This paper is based on a pilot project that has a first objective to identify Pacific Islands Diaspora media in New Zealand and define the role they play in Pacific Island communities in regards to addressing their communication needs. The second objective is to formulate a methodology that will inform an extensive research project. Despite an extensive and newly emerging literature on diaspora communities and ethnic media as distinct research fields, there is limited evidence of research on pacific diasporas and the increasing presence of pacific diasporic media across the Asia Pacific ream countries. The research seeks to identify the different forms and content of diasporic media available to South Pacific Islands diasporic communities in New Zealand, the information needs of these communities, the role of these media in sustaining their island identities and the extent to which these media promote integration in the host country, socio-cultural separation from their new environment, and/or creation of new hybrid cultures/identities. New information technologies, such internet, are also taken into consideration as they provide with new sources of information and contact with home and the wider diasporic communities around the world. This will provide an in depth analysis of the content offered by diasporic media and the extent to which it meets the needs of pacific diasporic communities in the wider Asia Pacific region The paper provides an overview of the south Pacific Islands Diaspora communities and their media. It focuses on communities living in New Zealand, a country with the highest concentration of Pacific Islands diasporic communities. It presents the conceptual and methodological framework and outlines the main methods designed to collect data ( focus groups with selected island communities to define their information needs and media use, a media survey to identify the goals and the content offered and in-depth interviews with journalists and community leaders).
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Evangelia Papoutsaki, Naomi Strickland
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