A Survey on Approaches to Modeling Artifact-centric Business Processes
Supplementary material
Other Title
Kunchala, Jyothi
Yu, Jian
Yongchareon, Sira
Yu, Jian
Yongchareon, Sira
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Paper in Published Proceedings
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
artifact-centric process modeling
business artifacts
BALSA (Business Artifacts, Lifecycles, Services, and Associations)
business artifacts
BALSA (Business Artifacts, Lifecycles, Services, and Associations)
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Kunchala, J., Yu, J., Yongchareon, and S. (2014). A Survey on Approaches to Modeling Artifact-centric Business Processes. Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2014 Workshops(Ed.), LNCS.
Business Process Modeling using artifact-centric approach has gained increasing interest over the past few years. The ability to put data and process aspects on an equal footing has made it a powerful tool for efficient business process modeling. The artifact-centric approach is based on key business-relevant entities called business artifacts, which are central for guiding business operations as they navigate through the business operations. The artifact-centric modeling approach can be laid in a four dimensional framework called BALSA for defining business processes, where the four dimensions include business artifacts, lifecycles, services and associations. Based on this data-centric paradigm, several artifact-centric meta-models have been emerged in the recent years. Although all the proposed models claim to support the artifact-centric approach, their support in specifying the BALSA elements of artifacts was not clearly described in the existing literature. This paper reviews all existing approaches to artifact-centric modeling and also discuss to what extent they align with the BALSA framework
Cham Springer International Publishing
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