Encountering the pedagogy of live and interactive architectural projects
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Pretty, Annabel
McPherson, Peter
McPherson, Peter
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Journal Article
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
live build projects
studio praxis
design thinking
collaborative projects
architecture education
design processes
studio praxis
design thinking
collaborative projects
architecture education
design processes
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Pretty, A.C., & McPherson, P. (2017). Encountering the Pedagogy of Live and Interactive Architectural Projects. The Journal of Public Space, (Special Issue) Critical Thresholds: Traversing Architectural Pedagogy, Research, and Practice. 2 (3), pp.63-66
The use of the word “live” as a prefix for a project, is a thought-provoking, and perplexing concept; does one assume that all other projects are dead?
Or is it that "(a)live," in the studio build paradigm, is about the currency and value of the moment? Or is it that one is operating outside of normative architectural academia, and is therefore (a)live?
Untangling the meta meaning of the verb “live” and then juxtaposing it with the word “interactive” could draw the reader to the conclusion that we are talking about a nonmomentary or continuous two-way transfer of information – often as not between the student, the lecturing staff and external agencies (in many cases real clients). It is this existence between the borderland of academia and practice that this chapter hopes to unpack and clarify.
Queensland University of Technology
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