A development framework for software integration projects – case study: Web app Integration with OpenWeather API

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Thirunahari, Siddartha
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Applied Technologies (Computing)
Unitec, Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
Ramirez Prado, Guillermo
Barmada, Bashar
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
OpenWeather API
API integration
software integration
user interface design
Thirunahari, S. (2023). A development framework for software integration projects – case study: Web app Integration with OpenWeather API (Unpublished document submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Technologies (Computing)). Unitec, Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology https://hdl.handle.net/10652/6066
RESEARCH QUESTIONS Q1. What are the key stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) implementation in software integration projects, and how do they contribute to the successful integration of software systems? Q2. In what ways does the development process of software integrations differ from conventional software development approaches, and what specific considerations are essential for ensuring effective integration? Q3. How can the type of integration in software integration projects be determined, considering factors such as system compatibility, data interchange requirements, and integration architecture? Q4. What approaches and methodologies can be employed to ensure the overall quality of the final software integration product, with specific emphasis on functionality, efficiency, and maintainability, as well as adherence to industry standards and best practices? ABSTRACT Software development has experienced rapid growth and advancement, leading to the adoption of state-of-the-art designs, methods, techniques, and tools to deliver high-quality software solutions. However, proficiency in programming alone is insufficient for ensuring reliable, feasible, cost-effective, and high-quality software products. Developers must consider various aspects of the software development life cycle (SDLC) to enhance software solutions. This includes analytical and critical thinking skills, envisioning real-world business cases, and emphasizing quality assurance through thorough testing. Furthermore, cost-effective software solutions can be achieved through detailed project requirements and scope, outsourcing options, sound project planning, and agile methodologies for handling requirement changes. A gap identified in software development is the lack of a comprehensive and generic integration framework for software systems integration. Such a framework would provide developers with the necessary knowledge and resources to successfully undertake industrial software integration projects and deliver leading solutions. Without proper guidance, developers may face challenges in upskilling themselves in software integration. This research proposes a generic integration development framework to produce and deliver high-quality software integration solutions. The framework offers step-by-step guidance throughout each phase of the SDLC, drawing insights from real-world software integration projects. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the application of the proposed framework in a software integration project. The case study involves the development of a small-scale web application using the ReactJS front-end development framework, integrating with the OpenWeather API to retrieve weather forecasting data. The proposed framework is evaluated through a comparative analysis of selected software quality factors: functionality, efficiency, and maintainability. Functionality encompasses accuracy of data fetched through API requests and API security, efficiency focuses on optimal resource utilization for application performance, and maintainability emphasizes code maintainability for future improvements. The analysis validates the improved reliability achieved by implementing the proposed software integration framework and highlights the quality of the final product compared to the pre-framework implementation. By bridging this research gap and providing a generic integration framework, this research contributes to the advancement of software integration practices. It equips developers with the understanding and insights required to excel in software integration projects, ultimately leading to the development of reliable and high-quality software solutions.
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