Takepu principled approach : a new vision for teaching social work practice in Aotearoa
Supplementary material
Other Title
Akhter, Selina
Leonard, Rose
Leonard, Rose
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Paper in Published Proceedings
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
social work
social work education
Māori worldview
Te Tohu Paetahi Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga
Bachelor of Social Work : Biculturalism in Practice (BSW (BIP))
Te Wānanga o Aorearoa (TWOA)
reflective learning
Māori values and protocols
Māori knowledge systems
social work
social work education
Māori worldview
Te Tohu Paetahi Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga
Bachelor of Social Work : Biculturalism in Practice (BSW (BIP))
Te Wānanga o Aorearoa (TWOA)
reflective learning
Māori values and protocols
Māori knowledge systems
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Akhter, S., and Leonard, R. (2014). Takepu principled approach : a new vision for teaching social work practice in Aotearoa. In J. Duke, Mm Henrickson, & L. Beddoe (Eds), Protecting the public - enhancing the profession. Wellington: Social Workers Registration Board. (93-104).
The purpose of the research reported here was to gather reflections of the learning experience of tauira (students) of Te Tohu Paetahi Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga, Bachelor of Social Work : Biculturalism in Practice (BSW (BIP)) at Te Wānanga o Aorearoa (TWOA).
A total of nine tauira (students) interviews were analysed by using kaupapa Māori methods, takepu principles and qualitative research design. The findings revealed that the students felt fulfilled throughout their journeys as ngā takepu (Māori principles, values, and beliefs) principled approach of BSW have awakened (mauri oho) their consciousness of who they are and made them challenge their hegemonic thinking. The findings were discussed In the light of the BSW framework and social work education and practice of Aotearoa.
Social Workers Registration Board of Aotearoa/New Zealand
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Social Workers Registration Board of Aotearoa/New Zealand
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@ Social Workers Registration Board 2014