Evidence on the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards in New Zealand

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Rainsbury, Liz
San Diego, Josefino S.
Walker, Lyndon
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
International financial reporting standards
value relevance
New Zealand
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Rainsbury, E., San Diego, J., & Walker, L. (2010, May). Evidence on the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards in New Zealand. Paper presented at the Second Quantitative Accounting Research Symposium, Albany, New Zealand.
Purpose – This paper examines the financial impact from the adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) on New Zealand (NZ) companies. It analyses the effects of IFRS on the accounting numbers reported in financial statements. It also compares the association of NZ IFRS versus NZ GAAP book value of equity and earnings with market values with particular emphasis on smaller listed companies. Design/methodology/approach – The paper examines a sample of New Zealand listed companies that adopted NZ IFRS between 2005 and 2007. Financial statement data under NZ IFRS and the previous generally accepted accounting practice were hand collected from annual reports. The data is analysed using descriptive statistics and linear regression. Findings – The adoption of IFRS resulted in statistically significant increases in earnings, assets and liabilities. The IFRS adjustments were largely as anticipated, but IFRS adoption did not improve the value relevance of the accounting numbers. The value relevance of IFRS accounting numbers was marginally lower than that of NZ GAAP. For small listed companies, and early adopters, IFRS equity adjustments reduced value relevance. Originality/value – The study examines the impact of a major regulatory change in financial reporting by documenting New Zealand’s experience with the changeover. The findings are of relevance to the accounting profession and regulators as they debate whether IFRS should be required for the preparation of external financial statements for small to medium-sized enterprises. enterprises.
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Liz Rainsbury, Josefino San Diego and Lyndon Walker
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