The integration of seismic resistant design & construction into the Diploma of Associate Engineering DAE (Civil) curriculum in Pakistan
Supplementary material
Other Title
Potangaroa, Regan
Chhetri, Vickram
Timarzi, Irshad
Chhetri, Vickram
Timarzi, Irshad
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
seismic resistant design
seismic resistant construction
engineering education
civil engineering
engineering in Pakistan
seismic resistant construction
engineering education
civil engineering
engineering in Pakistan
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Potangaroa, R., Chhetri, V. & Timarzi, I. (2010, September). The integration of seismic resistant design & construction into the Diploma of Associate Engineering DAE (Civil) curriculum in Pakistan. Paper presented at the 2010 Construction, Building and Real Estate Research Conference of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Paris.
The 8th October 2005 Kashmir Earthquake exposed the vulnerability of Pakistan’s building stock with the collapse of both public and private buildings. Whilst appropriate building codes are now being developed and introduced, the codes alone are not going to solve the problem unless (and until) technicians and masons develop the knowledge, skills and appreciation for the design and construction of buildings in a seismically safe manner. The importance of these two groups of people is much of that vulnerability was in rural housing and it is these two groups (and in particular masons) who will deal directly with this issue.
This paper outlines the development of a seismic module to assist Pakistani Educational Authorities to integrate seismic resistant design and construction components into the curricula of the Diploma of Associate Engineering DAE (Civil) and in particular how the curricula addressed:
• the need to make houses and buildings actually conform to the codes.
• the need for seismic resistant design and construction components for mainly nonengineered buildings in Pakistan.
The process and strategy used for this module in Pakistan will have applications in other earthquake prone developing countries.
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Regan Potangaroa, Vickram Chhetri and Irshad Timarzi
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