Current and anticipated future impacts of BIM on cost modelling in Auckland

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Stanley, Ryan
Thurnell, Derek
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Conference Contribution - Paper in Published Proceedings
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
BIM (building information modelling)
cost modelling
design stage estimating
quantity surveying
Stanley, R., Thurnell, D. (2013). Current and anticipated future impacts of BIM on cost modelling in Auckland. In Proceedings of the 38th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference, 20-22 November 2013, Auckland, New Zealand,
5D Building Information Modelling (BIM) models contain data consisting of 3D objects which also include information relating to construction scheduling and cost aspects, and has the potential to be used by quantity surveyors (QSs) for such tasks as quantity take-offs, estimation and cost management (i.e. cost modelling), in a collaborative project environment with design team members such as architects and engineers. A ‘snapshot’ of 5D BIM use in Auckland is presented, based on structured interviews which gained the perceptions of 8 QSs, on both the current and likely future impacts of 5D BIM on cost modelling. Results suggest that in Auckland there is currently a low level of engagement with 5D BIM, and thus it has a low impact, although a small number of QSs indicate they are already using 5D BIM in a limited manner for some aspects of cost modelling. Most QSs interviewed thought that 5D BIM would have an extremely significant impact in the future, as the process becomes more prevalent.
Australasian Universities Building Education Association
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