Ayllu – Community : a modular school design that investigates the education, extraordinary altitude levels and weather conditions of the remote areas of the Andes of Peru.
Supplementary material
Other Title
Caro, Antonella G. Marquez
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Architecture (Professional)
Unitec Institute of Technology
Wagner, Cesar
Melchiors, Lucia
Melchiors, Lucia
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Occopata (Cusco, Peru)
Cusco (Peru)
CRFA (Rural Alternation Training Centres - Peru)
rural schools
school architecture
modular architecture
rural communities
community development
Cusco (Peru)
CRFA (Rural Alternation Training Centres - Peru)
rural schools
school architecture
modular architecture
rural communities
community development
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Caro, A. G. M. (2020). Ayllu – Community : a modular school design that investigates the education, extraordinary altitude levels and weather conditions of the remote areas of the Andes of Peru. (Unpublished document submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional)). Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand. https://hdl.handle.net/10652/5223
Cover title: Ayllu - Community : modular "kit" school in the Andes of Peru
Principle supervisor: David Turner on title page ; Cesar Wagner on declaration
How can modular schools benefit the growth of agricultural communities?
The number of schools in poor rural communities is too few for the number of children that live in the small communities of the Andes of Peru. There is a high percentage of uneducated people especially in those areas as poverty and lack of governmental support are key issues that people face in conjunction with the challenges of altitude and weather conditions in their everyday lives.
This research project is a community-focused design that intends to enhance the study environment and skills of the students, to help improve the productive circle within the community. Focusing on helping the students with a better education that in the future, can give back to their community and families.
The project will develop a modular ‘kit’ school design that will focus on the agricultural communities that are considering alternative education and passive technologies that would help to improve the way schools are built and operate in rural communities. The location of the project is in the city of Cusco, Peru but the project will analyse other possible locations where the modular design can be utilised. The research project analyses the climate and topography of the CRFA (Rural Alternation Training Centres) schools of the Andean region.
... The site is in the community of Occopata, Cusco; which is known for its communal bond and agricultural lifestyle. The design aims to be adaptable for the different CRFA schools that face extreme weather conditions in the High Andes.
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