Within online corporate annual reporting for a globalised world, whose voice is being heard?
Supplementary material
Other Title
Rolland, Deborah
O'Keefe Bazzoni, J.
O'Keefe Bazzoni, J.
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
non-financial reporting
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
identity and values
reframing stakeholder relationships
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
identity and values
reframing stakeholder relationships
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Rolland, D. A., & O'Keefe Bazzoni, J. (2015, July). Within online corporate annual reporting for a globalised world, whose voice is being heard?. Paper presented at Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Is there a new shareholder paradigm today that requires a new way of reporting? ( Leuner, J. 2012).The online communication of espoused organisational identity currently reflects within its message construction a rethinking of communication, space and identity reporting for globalised audiences.
Within these “spaces of collective interest “ ( ibid) globalization appears to be creating new and different opportunities for organizations to communicate commitment to Non-financial reporting to their stakeholders and simultaneously, for stakeholders to assess the organisational ethics, values and achievements within Non-financial reporting. This assessment can enable organisational legitimacy to be conferred – or not. As these stakeholder audiences increase, the question of the impact of such extra-organizational influences and motivations (eg moral, ethical or other reasons) for expanded and deliberate Non-financial reporting arises. How is message construction for such reporting purposes being developed in New Zealand?
This paper firstly explores the re-thinking of the role of corporate reporting and the influences on the rise of integrated non-financial reporting. Such influences include nature of stakeholder relationships or information needs as drivers for such a re-thinking (eg changing societal expectations, organisational legitimacy or the immediacy of social media spaces/ transparency). Secondly, the case of NZ Post will be outlined as a local organisation adhering to current online non-financial reporting for a globalized world. Is the voice of the annual report now encapsulated in the words of Mark Yeoman (CFO NZ Post) “an accountability document, not a marketing document?” (Yeoman,M. 2013).
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