The use of eLearning, blended learning and digital literacy tools to improve student engagement at Cut Above Academy, increasing student retention and student success
Supplementary material
Other Title
Young, Curtis
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Business
Unitec Institute of Technology
Du Plessis, Andries
Nel, Pieter
Nel, Pieter
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Cut Above Academy (Auckland, N.Z.)
Auckland (N.Z.)
hairdressing students
educational technology
vocational learning
digital literacy
New Zealand
Auckland (N.Z.)
hairdressing students
educational technology
vocational learning
digital literacy
New Zealand
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Young, C. (2014). The use of eLearning, blended learning and digital literacy tools to improve student engagement at Cut Above Academy, increasing student retention and student success. An unpublished research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business, Unitec Institute of Technology.
The main purpose of this research has been to establish whether or not the adoption of blended learning and digital literacy tools may increase student engagement in a trade based training environment, therefore improving student retention and student success.
Cut Above Academy, (CAA) a private tertiary education, (PTE) provider, has been used as a case study to assess the viability of an eLearning innovation. The research has adopted a business theory approach, which employs change management theory and innovation theory.
CAA’s business goals are to improve student retention and student success. A literature review has indicated that boosting student engagement will improve student retention and student success. The literature review has demonstrated a positive link between new technology and student engagement.
The proposal of this research is for CAA to initiate an eLearning innovation with a Learning Management System, (LMS) and the internet on campus. An eLearning strategy would be a process innovation in the current approach to delivering education which will add value to the service experienced by customers.
A phenomenological approach has been used with qualitative research. In-depth interviews have been conducted to analyse the willingness of staff and students to adopt the change. Industry representatives have been interviewed to establish a graduate profile and eLearning experts from Unitec have been interviewed to benchmark change management strategies for eLearning.
Recommendations have been provided for a process innovation strategy. Recommendations have been made for the human resource management, (HRM) impact of developing staff capabilities in information and communications technology, (ICT) and digital literacy.
This research has been conducted during the previous ownership of CAA. New leadership represents an opportunity to revise the strategy for eLearning.
This research has concluded that an eLearning program with digital literacy tools training is not only beneficial for a training institution with the goal of increasing student success; it is essential.
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