New Zealand house indoor microclimate and allergens
Supplementary material
Other Title
Su, Bin
Wu, Lian
McPherson, Peter
Jadresin-Milic, Renata
Wu, Lian
McPherson, Peter
Jadresin-Milic, Renata
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Paper in Published Proceedings
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
New Zealand
dust mites
indoor allergen
indoor microclimate
dust mites
indoor allergen
indoor microclimate
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Su, B., Wu, L., McPherson, P., & Jadresin-Milic, R. (2020). New Zealand House Indoor Microclimate and Allergens. The 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA), 25-28 November 2020 (pp. 795-804).
The most common indoor allergens and triggers for people with asthma and allergic rhinitis are dust-mites, moulds, pets and pollen. Allergens from dust mites and moulds are strongly associated with indoor microclimate. Indoor microclimate conditions are closely related to house thermal performance and R-value of its envelope. Based on the field studies of indoor microclimatic conditions, tests of allergen levels of dust mites and mould growth of a number of sample houses, this study provides physical evidence to identifies thresholds or ranges of indoor microclimatic conditions related to different levels of dust-mite allergen and mould growth, a correlation between dust-mite allergen levels and mould growth levels, the most common type of indoor mould and the minimum requirement of indoor microclimatic conditions to control indoor dust-mite allergens at an acceptable level and prevent indoor mould problem. The study evaluates indoor microclimatic conditions related to indoor allergens of the sample houses with different R-values in their envelopes in accordant to the requirement of the current building code for New Zealand Climate Zone 1 and 2 (New Zealand Standard 4218: 2009) and the previous building code (New Zealand Standard 4218:1996).
Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA)
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