Xsection: Aucklands Contemporary Architecture Journal
Supplementary material
Other Title
Griffiths, Pete
Aitken, D.
Aitken, D.
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Paper in Published Proceedings
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
landscape architecture
Unitec Institute of Technology
Auckland (N.Z.)
New Zealand
landscape architecture
Unitec Institute of Technology
Auckland (N.Z.)
New Zealand
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Griffiths, C.P., and Aitken, D. (2013). Xsection: Aucklands Contemporary Architecture Journal. In R. Davies and D. Menzies (Eds.) Proceedings of the 50th International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress, 'Shared Wisdom in an Age of Change'. Auckland, New Zealand , 43-48.
A new landscape journal has been developed called Xsection. This publication calls for articles from landscape practitioners, academics, and students. The journals intent is to promote rigorous discussion about landscape architectural issues from both an academic and professional viewpoint with a particular emphasis on the voice of young landscape architects. The theme evolves each year and is topical to Auckland.The journal has a refereed section. These articles are double blind peer reviewed by a panel comprising local academics, professionals and international academics. The journal is also a credit bearing negotiated study course for Bachelor of Landscape Architecture students.
A research question is developed and information is gathered on this topic in the form of articles. This information is then edited and sorted into sections that deal with particular aspects of the theme. Students then develop a response to the data collected and produce a conclusion to the journal that expresses some answers to the question posed. The journal is published and disseminated to 2500 members of the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA) and is available as an e-journal.
The connection to industry is important as the relationships established through the production of the journal help to generate ongoing contacts that feed into teaching and research. The journal is a means whereby the Auckland approach to landscape architecture can be fore grounded and disseminated. The project contributes to the research environment by way of creating a vessel for double blind peer review articles and promotes ongoing contemporary discussion about landscape architecture in Auckland.
International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
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International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
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