From the clinical to the managerial domain : the lived experience of role transition from radiographer to radiology manager in South-East Queensland

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Thompson, Alarna M. N.
Henwood, Suzanne
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Journal Article
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Queensland, South East
radiology units
role transition
lived experiences
Thompson, A. M. N., & Henwood, S. M. (2016). From the clinical to the managerial domain: the lived experience of role transition from radiographer to radiology manager in South-East Queensland. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 63, pp.89-95. doi:doi: 10.1002/jmrs.169
INTRODUCTION: This study seeks to add to current literature a descriptive account of the lived experience of radiographers’ transition to, and experiences of, management roles and identifies additional resources and support that are perceived as being beneficial for this transition. METHODS: This study employed a descriptive phenomenological stance. Using purposive sampling, six South- East Queensland based private practice radiology managers, who had held their position for longer than 3 months, participated in audiotape recorded in-depth interviews exploring their transition to, and experiences of management in radiology. Thematic analysis was used to describe and make meaning of the data. RESULTS: Overall, five central themes emerged through thematic analysis of the data. The results indicate that all participants’ had an underlying drive to succeed during their role transition and highlight the importance of a comprehensive orientation by a mentor; the training and support to enable preparation for the role, especially in the area of people management skills and communication; the importance of access to networking opportunities and the importance of concise expectations from higher management. CONCLUSION: Role transition can be marred with uncertainty, however; key suggestions indicate the importance of having support mechanisms in place before, during and after transitioning to a managerial role.
John Open Access on behalf of Australian Institute of Radiography and New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology
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doi: 10.1002/jmrs.169
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