Synesthesia & the synthetic effect
Supplementary material
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Smith, Peta S. I.
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Master of Architecture (Professional)
Unitec Institute of Technology
Budgett, Jeanette
O'Connell, Ainsley
O'Connell, Ainsley
Masters Thesis
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
office workers
happiness at work
depression (psychology)
moods (psychology)
office buildings
organisational behaviour
organisational behaviour
happiness at work
depression (psychology)
moods (psychology)
office buildings
organisational behaviour
organisational behaviour
ANZSRC Field of Research Code (2020)
Smith, Peta S. I. (2017). Synesthesia & the synthetic effect. Explanatory document. An unpublished research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional), Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand.
The architectural built environment of office buildings are often stagnant. The lack of sensory stimulation in such settings further de-sensitise the occupants by limiting the sensory stimulation our primal bodies crave in order to function. We, as human beings flourish when our senses are aroused. Without this people are more irritable, lethargic, have an increased dependency, and as a result mental illnesses such as depression develop. It is no wonder that the statistics in depression are significantly high, and as more people continue to work in office environments the numbers continue to increase.
Dissimilarly, synesthesics, are people who simultaneously perceive two or more senses when one sense is triggered, prompting an incredible multisensory experience due to their condition. These people are happy, and rarely ever suffer from depression. It is therefore assumed that under-stimulation is contributing to the rates of depression. By using synesthesia as a design inspiration multi-sensory environments are replicated in what would otherwise be fruitless working environments. Due to people dwelling in these unrewarding environments for long periods of time, it is imperative a new office typology is developed and made accessible to all. This project focuses on creating a working environment that allows people to meet, work and socialise in a multi-sensory environment in order to re-stimulate the wider public and in turn expectantly decrease the statistics of depression.
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