(Re-)uses of historical knowledge in architectural education: Professional practice and professional business management

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Moore, Cameron
Mađanović, M.
Jadresin-Milic, Renata
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Auckland (N.Z.)
New Zealand
Gummer and Ford (Firm)
New Zealand architecture firms
Gummer, William Henry (1884–1966)
Ford, Charles Reginald (1880–1972)
New Zealand architecture
classical architecture
architecture education
architecture students
Unitec Institute of Technology
Unitec courses
design practice
architectural history
Moore, C., Mađanović, M., & Jadresin Milic, R. (2021, December). (Re-)uses of historical knowledge in architectural education: Professional practice and professional business management Paper presented at the Rangahau Horonuku Hou New Research Landscapes, MIT - Unitec Research Symposium 2021
Introduction to the Gummer and Ford Project Gummer and Ford was an architectural firm founded in 1923 in Auckland by William Henry Gummer (1884–1966) and Charles Reginald Ford (1880–1972). Many of the leading lights of architectural history- Terence Hodgson, Miles Warren,Peter Shaw,John Stacpoole-agree that the firm can be considered one of the most prominent practices in New Zealand architectural history. Charismatic and influential, Gummer and Ford played an essential role in the professionalisation of NewZealand architecture,founded earthquake construction techniques,and contributed to the development of the country’s institutionalised architectural education.They were both passionate about developing a“type of design which seems to be expressly influenced by New Zealand conditions.” Despite all this,the firm remains strikingly under-researched in New Zealand architectural historiography, aside from mentions in New Zealand architectural history surveys,the only credible scholarly work has been an exhibition of their work in 2006 at The University of Auckland's Gus Fisher Gallery,and a Master’s Thesis by Bruce Petry published in 1992.
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