Low cost Codesys Raspberry Pi based virtual simulations and development of motion control implementation

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Yee, Nigel
Zarreh, Hooman
Kar, Amruta
Oke, Paul
Sidhu, Deepinder
Author ORCID Profiles (clickable)
Conference Contribution - Oral Presentation
Ngā Upoko Tukutuku (Māori subject headings)
Unitec courses
computer education
Programmable Logic Control (PLC)
Raspberry Pi
virtual laboratories
educational delivery models
software development
Yee, N., Zarreh, H., Kar, A., Oke, P., & Sidhu, D. (2022, December, 8-9). Low cost Codesys Raspberry Pi based virtual simulations and development of motion control implementation [Paper presentation]. Rangahau: Te Mana o te Mahi Kotahitanga: Research: The Power of Collaboration, MIT/Unitec Research Symposium 2022, Te Pūkenga, New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand. https://hdl.handle.net/10652/5996
Education Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) hardware systems tend to be laboratory based and entail a cost per unit and as class numbers increase, the cost increases proportionally which can ultimately limit class sizes. One option is the creation of virtual laboratory systems where the hardware component is replaced by simulation software. The PLC is traditionally used for the purpose of control systems implementation and typically entails, PLC data acquisition, model development using Matlab, Matlab controller optimization to provide a tuned controller and then transferring the Matlab tuned controller to the PLC for implementation and realization, however advances in PLCs mean that a number of simulation tools are now available within the PLC environment. This presentation discusses a first order model simulated on Codesys (using the finite time difference numerical method) combined with a Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) controller. The output of the simulation is then plotted on a Codesys based SCADA package. The system is used to demonstrate PID controller tuning in a virtual laboratory setting, this virtual tool (developed using the Codesys platform) is used to replace a hardware platform in a teaching environment. A physical implementation using a geared DC motor with an encoder signal that is fed into an Arduino Uno based signal conditioner; the signal from the signal conditioner is then fed into a MCP3008 Analogue to Digital Converter which then sends information (using the serial peripheral interface protocol) into the Codesys based Raspberry Pi PLC. The physical rig developed using Codesys is intended to provide a means to further develop the Codesys controller simulation via physical validation. A surprising potential benefit of this system arises from recent developments comparing Matlab with Codesys using the Simulink PLC Coder, these developments indicates that the Simulink PLC Coder introduces errors into the process and therefore the approach of model development within Codesys,
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