Performing and Screen Arts Journal Articles

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    曾经的辉煌:一部有价值的寓沪俄罗斯流亡音乐家 活动的专著 = A review article: "Networking the Russian diaspora: Russian musicians and musical activities in interwar Shanghai" [Book review]
    (Heilongjiang Provincial Literary and Art Association, 2023) Gong, Hong-Yu; Unitec, Te Pūkenga
    美国夏威夷大学出版社在2020年9月出版的《俄罗斯离散人口的社群关系网络:战时上海的俄罗 斯音乐家及其音乐活动》(Networking the Russian Diaspora: Russian Musicians and Musical Activities in Interwar Shanghai),该书以两次世界大战期间流落到上海的俄国音乐家为焦点,利用中、俄、英等多种语言档案、报刊 资料、音乐会节目单及近期国内外有关研究,详述了战时俄罗斯流亡音乐家在上海的音乐活动,及其对上海音 乐生活的影响。该书详细地展示了这些流亡音乐家为自己的社团所做的工作,揭示了他们如何利用音乐与其 他国际侨民社团及上海华人社团建立关系网络,凸显了寓沪俄罗斯流亡音乐家对近代中国音乐发展不可磨灭 的重大及深远的影响。 [United States. University of Hawaii Press. Russian Networking the Russian Diaspora: Russian Musicians and Musical Activities in Interwar Shanghai, published in September 2020, focuses on Russian musicians displaced to Shanghai during the interwar period. Using Chinese, Russian, English and other language archives, newspaper materials, concert programs, and recent domestic and foreign research, this paper details the musical activities of Russia musicians in exile in Shanghai during the war and their impact on Shanghai's musical life. The book shows in detail the work of these exiled musicians for their own societies, reveals how they used music to build networks with other international diaspora communities and the Chinese community in Shanghai, highlighting the indelible and far-reaching influence of Russia exile musicians on the development of modern Chinese music.]
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    "Diana Looser. Moving islands: Contemporary Performance and the Global Pacific"
    (Peter Lang, 2023) Byrne, Vanessa; Unitec, Te Pūkenga
    [INTRODUCTION] Adding significantly to the vital canon of literature and discourse on Pacific Theatre, Performance, Art, and Cultural Praxis – and the rich, variegated domain of Oceanic Studies – Diana Looser’s Moving Islands: Contemporary Performance and the Global Pacific provides an excellent map for literal and metaphorical travellers of all kinds. The book subtly unravels developing tropes about “international and intercultural connections within contemporary performance from Oceania, focusing on theater [sic], performance art, art installations, dance, film, and activist performance in sites throughout Oceania and in Australia, Asia, North America, and Europe” (Looser). It’s a big task, but this fine piece of scholarship distils a mammoth discussion of interdisciplinary, intercultural, and intermodal performance with confidence and respect, while simultaneously taking its reader on a journey framed by essential artistic, geographic, cultural, social, political, and economic backdrops. To my mind, the book’s most successful contribution is the elegant way that specific case studies provide lenses through which to see the navigation of Pasifika identities in performance contexts, and its assertion that the Pacific is a vital region of global significance with so much to offer the rest of the planet as we move into the future.
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    二十世纪欧美中国音乐研究学位论 文述要(下) A Critical Evaluation of Doctoral Dissertations and Theses on Chinese Music in Europe and the United States of America, 1960s-1990s
    (Wuhan Conservatory of Music, 2023-01) Gong, Hong-Yu; Unitec, Te Pūkenga
    作为域外中国音乐研究的一个重要组成部分,欧语世界历年来有关中国音乐研究 的学位论文不仅数量可观,更以其丰富各异的研究取向而具有独特的学术意义与参考价值。钩 沉欧语世界中国音乐研究学位论文的研究内容、凸显其选题、特征、方法与视角,对国内深化中 国音乐研究具有一定的学术意义与参照价值。
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    二十世纪欧美中国音乐研究学位论文述要(上) A Critical Evaluation of Doctoral Dissertations and Theses on Chinese Music in Europe and the United States of America, 1900-1960s
    (Wuhan Conservatory of Music, 2023) Gong, Hong-Yu; Unitec, Te Pūkenga
    作为域外中国音乐研究的一个重要组成部分,欧语世界历年来有关中国音乐研究 的学位论文不仅数量可观,更以其丰富各异的研究取向而具有独特的学术意义与参考价值。钩 沉欧语世界中国音乐研究学位论文的研究内容,凸显其选题、特征、方法与视角,对国内深化中 国音乐研究具有一定的学术意义与参照价值。
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    李惟宁的欧美岁月 (The Euro-American Years of Lee Wei-ning)
    (Zhongyang Yinyue Xueyuan,Central Conservatory of Music, 2023) Gong, Hong-Yu; Unitec, Te Pūkenga
    集作曲家、钢琴家、音乐教育家等多种身份于一身的李惟宁是中国近现 代音乐史上一个无法绕过去的人物。文章就新近发现的几幅照片及李惟宁在巴黎和奥 地利留学期间的生活和档案材料做一些稽考,旨在通过与已知资料的对比,来考证李 氏在法国、奥地利留学生涯、师承谱系、异国之恋,以及1947 年后李氏在美国波士 顿音乐学院及之后的教学生涯。