Communication Studies Conference Papers

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    I create, therefore I am
    (2019-12-09) Matelau, Tui; Unitec Institute of Technology
    • Participants: 6 female artists of Māori and/or Pacific descent • Video ethnography: Audio-visual technology used to record participants engaging in their creative practice • Multimodal (Inter)action Analysis (MIA): Transcription and analysis of video data. • Discourse analysis: semi-structured life story interview.
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    SANZ Live Radio : the role of ethnic media beyond entertainment
    (2018-06-22) Wessels, Antoinette
    How the study began South African migration SANZ Live SANZ Live Activities SANZ Live as Ethnic Media Migrants and diversity SANZ Live and Sense of Place Methodology Immigrant emotions Music and Dance: Community and Routine Broadcast content & vernacular during events: Community and routine Identity as South African Kiwis Rearticulating identity through traditional and digital media A more complex role beyond entertainment Reference list
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    “Gimme Shelter”: “Othering” in the context of New Zealand multiculturalism : Pakeha, Maori, immigrants and refugees
    (2017-09) Kolesova, Elena
    Who are the ‘others’ in New Zealand (historically and currently)? How does ‘othering’ Maori, immigrants and refugees influence how we construct ideas of who ‘we’ are? How does Edward Said’s Orientalism speak to the notion of ‘othering’ in the current context?
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    The role of the Chinese ethnic media in response to mainstream media’s portrayals of the Chinese diaspora in New Zealand.
    (2018-02) Yao, Yu (Olivia); Kolesova, Elena
    This presentation takes a look at the way one Chinese ethnic online media,, responded to the representation of the Chinese people in the New Zealand Herald [the Herald].The first case involves Auckland Mayor Len Brown’s affair with Bevan Chuang in 2013. The second case is based on the reporting of an incident during which a group identified by the Herald as Chinese tourists ate at a charity Christmas lunch in 2012. A comparison of reports about these events in both media outlets, indicates a tendency of the Herald to focus on more dramatic descriptions of celebrities and to be more connected with the dominant, Pākehā group. emphasises vicarious experience, in a news story that highlights the emotional elements guiding the audience to understand both events from another angle and providing an independent, alternative media space in which the Chinese diaspora in New Zealand could represent themselves in their own words.
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    Gimme Shelter : the stories of the young New Zealanders from a refugee background
    (2018-02) Kolesova, Elena
    Gimme Shelter is a project which seeks to better understand some of the highly complex circumstances that influence the existence of young people with refugee background who have settled in New Zealand. The project takes as its starting point the notion that there is not one single category of people known as 'refugees' and that displaced people from many different cultures (more than 30 of them) and many different language groups and religions face specific challenges in adjusting to life in New Zealand today. By asking young people with refugee background themselves how they have experienced life before and after arriving in New Zealand, and how they anticipate their lives will unfold into the future the project hopes to add multiple layers of understanding about the complexity of this current global problem.