Community and Health Services Conference Papers
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Item A Māori Modern Learning Environment: Ko te akā pūkaea kia ita, ko te akā pūkaea kia eke!(ePress, Unitec | Te Pūkenga, 2022-11-25) Lee-Morgan, Jenny; Mane, Jo; Gallagher, Joanne; Abraham, Ruia; Unitec Institute of TechnologyThis Kaupapa Māori research project investigates the ways that two Māori-medium pathways (bilingual and immersion) work together in a newly built Flexible Learning Space (FLS) to progress te reo Māori and the aspirations of whānau. This paper introduces the project that proposes the notion of the Māori Modern Learning Environment (MMLE). Funded by Teaching Learning Research Initiative (TLRI), this twoyear project is still in progress with the project only being at an early stage. The researchers are currently exploring how ‘space’ is understood and utilised by Māori teachers, students and whānau of two Māorimedium pathways, within the wider English-medium primary-school context. This pūrākau (case-study) project takes a strengths-based approach, and is based on the experiences, pedagogies and potential of Te Akā Pūkaea, at Newton Central School. The two whānau groups and Māori-medium pathways at the centre of the study are: Te Uru Karaka (immersion) and Te Awahou (bilingual). This research is intended to respond to the call from Stewart and Benade (2020) to ‘spatial biculturalism’ as we theorise ‘space’ from a Kaupapa Māori lens. Hence, the project is titled “A Māori Modern Learning Environment: Ko te Akā Pūkaea Kia Ita, Ko te Akā Pūkaea Kia Eke!”.Item Marae ora, kāinga ora: A marae-led response to Covid-19(ePress, Unitec | Te Pūkenga, 2022-11-25) Lee-Morgan, Jenny; Penetito, Kim; Mane, Jo; Eruera, Ngahuia; Unitec Institute of TechnologyMarae Ora, Kāinga Ora (MOKO) is a marae-led community development and wellbeing research project. Lee-Morgan et al. (2021) explain this three-year research project, stating: “MOKO investigates the potential of five marae to strengthen their provision of kāinga (village, settlement) in the contemporary urban context of South Auckland” (p. 2). Using a Kaupapa Māori (KM) approach to Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), this project explores the ancient Indigenous innovation of marae (both a spiritual and physical location with a socio-cultural setting for Māori to be immersed in a cultural context) and kāinga to understand and co-create new culturally based initiatives and support the activation of community development and wellbeing initiatives. While marae are highly valued by Māori communities as being critical to cultural sustainability and are recognised by government agencies as important community providers, there is a dearth of research about how contemporary urban marae operate and how they can work with, and for, communities (Kawharu, 2014; Tapsell, 2002; Thornley et al., 2015). The MOKO research aim is to enable marae to explore their potential role within their communities, to develop their own interpretation and opportunities for kāinga. These insights influence opportunities to partner with external agencies and services to achieve greater outcomes and collaborative advantages for whānau (family group) and community wellbeing, alongside marae. In brief, the MOKO project is focused on the intergenerational sustainability of the knowledge systems and replenishment of resources inherent within marae, our natural environment and kāinga ora. Enabling marae, communities and stakeholders to be an active part of developing the solutions and coproduction of new knowledge and dissemination activities is a key part of this Kaupapa Māori research project and seen as critical if the research is to have maximum impact. Community participation is a prerequisite to understanding and enhancing community wellbeing and kāinga. In the MOKO project, the Marae Research Co-ordinators (nominated by the marae themselves) are pivotal members of the MOKO research team, and have become a strength and feature of the project. When Covid-19 hit Aotearoa New Zealand, forcing a national lockdown in March 2020, the MOKO research was already halfway through the environmental scanning phase of, and with, the five marae and their surrounding communities of South Auckland. During the lockdown, the research tasks of the Marae Research Co-ordinators (MRC) to engage whānau and identify their aspirations would prove to be challenging; however, they were ideally positioned to observe the approaches of each marae in responding to their local communities. This article will share insights to the resilience of the five marae throughout the adversity of Covid-19, showcasing the diversity of support provided to whānau in meeting the needs of their distinct communities, further demonstrating the adaptability of marae and some of the sustainable solutions in enhancing the wellbeing of marae and kāinga.Item Resilience in daily routines for children with autism(2021-11) Afrin, Tahera; Unitec Institute of TechnologyMethodology: Socio-cultural, qualitative Aim- To know what is out there Questions: What characteristics are identified within the literature in relation to resilience and autism? What information can be retrieved that would help the parents and educators to identify resilience strategies that a child with autism uses throughout the day? Research tool: Literature review-Integrative Experiential case studyItem Hauora : supporting wellbeing in exceptional times(2020-04-23) Nathan, Rangi; Heta-Lensen, Yo; Neho, Kiri; Unitec Institute of TechnologyHauora models to support teachers’ work Te Whare Tapa Whā (Durie, 1982) Break out room activity Tāku Whare Oranga Supporting the philosophical underpinnings of Te WhārikiItem Clear the air in Auckland’s open areas : addressing inequities through “Upfront” enforcement of smokefree laws(2019-04) Badu, Emmanuel; Unitec Institute of TechnologyBackground Why "upfront" enforcement Proportion (%) of total complaints by type, 2013-2017 Proportion (%) of total complainants by Local Board, 2013-2017 Proportion (%) of premises investigated by Local Board, 2013-2017 Percent regular smokers by Local Board (of the population aged 15+) - 2013 Census Our approach What did we find? Lessons learnt Acknowledgement